All reviews must include:
A brief summary (at least 3-4 sentences) of why you did or didn't like the book, movie, or cd; you have to show that you've put some thought into it to get the points.
Rating 1-5 stars, one being the worst, 5 the absolute best
The 'Honor System' is in effect - please post reviews only on those books, movies, and cds that you've read, seen, or listened to since the Kick-Off on May 20. Feel free to be creative - include your favorite track or lyrics from a cd, or quote from a movie or book. Sign off with your intials, and email me at and let me know which title you reviewed and I'll give you cr
it/points. I can't wait to see what you guys send in!!

That's great, but Blogger does not seem to allow anonymous posts to this site as you mentioned at the kickoff. Also, can you fix the site to hide the link to "Next Blog" so that kids don't stumble upon inappropriate content? The EOL children's site seems to be set up that way.
Shrek the Third
Based on the book by William Steig
I liked this movie, but most people that are younger than me will not find it as entertaining as I did. This is because the jokes are aimed towards a more mature audiance than the previous movies. I think that this movie was a good business move but Shrek is getting too old to be a good children's charector anymore. I just hope that the Shrek saga will stop while it is still ahead.
Stars: *** (3 Stars)
Written by Gail Carson Levine
Aza, a commoner abandoned at a month old, is the ugliest girl, yet the best singer, in Ayortha. She endures snide remarks and rude staring while she works at the Featherbed Inn, where she was taken in. But, one day, a duchess arrives and sees Aza for what she really is, and on her next visit offers to take her to the wedding of the king and queen. Aza accepts, not knowing it will change her life forever. Many surprises are held in store for Aza there. Good or bad, she does not know, but they all seem to revolve around her mysteriously beautiful voice, and what she found out she could do with it. I loved this book! Fans of Ella Enchanted should definitely read this! Stars: ***** (5 stars)
By Cathy Cassidy
This is a book about a girl who gets expelled from many different schools and is forced to go live in the country with her dad and stepmom who is obsessed with making homeade soaps. there she gets into even more trouble and tries to run away on wedge heels. it's kind of weird...
Point Blank
By Anthony Horowitz
This Book is the next book after Stormbreaker in the Alex Rider series. This time the MI6 spy is sent on a mission to an academy that helps crazy sons of rich people turn into normal teenagers. in this book Alex pretends to be one of those people and soon finds out that something worse is happening there that involves cloning, plastic surgery, and a bodybuilding assistant principal.
My Sister's Keeper
Written by Jodi Picoult
This book is about a 13 year old girl, Anna, who is faced with a decision that will break her family apart one way or another. Anna's sister, Kate, was diagonosed with leukemia when she was two. The only way to treat Kate is by getting the blood from a relative, but none of her relatives are a correct match. The parents decide to "design" a baby of their own to match Kate's genetics. Now, 13 years later, Anna,has gone under countless surgeries to save her sister's life, but this time her parents are asking Anna to donate a kidney, but she doesn't want to and files a lawsuit against her parents. Without the kidney though, Kate will die.
This is a really beautiful book and the ending is amazing.
5 stars!
My Life in Dog Years
By Gary Paulsen
This is a GREAT book that definetely deserves a million stars!!!!!!! it is about all of the extremely special dogs that Gary Paulsen has had throughout his life. they are all amazing stories about life-savers, best friends, and dogs who helped him through his parents' drunkness days. it's also a book you can choose to read for 7th grade advanced english...
I read A Novel Idea. It is by Aimee Friedman. As a rating i give it a 5 because it was a really great book. It's filled with romance, book groups, and few cute boys. Norah starts a book group and soon develops a crush on one cutie. How many schemes and twists will Norah plan to get his attention? Read and find out. This was an awesome book.
posted by: t.e.b
Written by Jerry Spenelli
This book was SO good. It's not for girls, and it also teaches you about how it feels to be different from everybody else. But what would be even better is that there would be a sequel.
Stars: ****(4 stars)
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Written by Sir Aruthur Conan Doyle
The book starts out really confusing, as were them written in the early 1900's. But as the reader really moves along with the story, they understand more of it. And there's this summary of the mystery at the end of the book.
Stars: ***(3 stars)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Based on the book by J.K. Rowling
I loved this movie. The bad part is, they left out good stuff such as the Quiddich Cup. I'm just sad that the Harry Potter saga will end.
Stars: *****(5 stars)
In These Girls, Hope Is A Muscle
Written by Madeleine Blais
Agood book, though it's stretched. Talks about a group of varsity girls basketball players and tell how they won the state championship. This book is non-fiction, and takes place in Amherst, Mass.
Stars: ***(3 stars)
Lord of The Rings; The Return of the King
based of a book by J.R.R. Tolkien
I like this movie because it displays scenes and detailed landscapes that most movies do not. It has a complicated plot filled with villains , heroes, heroines, wizards, "hobbits", and other magical creatures. It is mostly for an older audience but people of all ages could enjoy it. This movie and the story that it is based on are timeless and wonderful!
Stars: *****(5)
Looking Back:A Book of
Written by Lois Lowry
This book is okay, but it has no plot. It talks about the auothor's life and 50% of the pages are pictures. Not the best book I'd choose.
Stars: **(2 stars)
Review by: S.Y.
Goddess of the Night
By Lynne Ewing
Vanessa can become invisible. Har best friend Catty can travel back in time 24 hours. Why can they do these things? They are the daughters of the goddess of the moon. They are also the last thing that came out of the Pandora's Box. They are hope. Together with 2 other girls that also have pwers they must defeat the dark side...And live a teenage life.
1st in the Daughters of the Moon series
Stars= i would give it a million but the highest i can go is *****(5)
The People of Sparks
Written by Jeanne DePrau
This was an excellent book because of the dynamic events happening in it and then how it comes together at the end. But still, the author could use more complicated words, as it is a teen's book. Hope there will be a sequel. Review by: S.Y.
Stars: *****(5 stars)
More on In These Girls, Hope Is A muscle
I read this book because it involves basketball. Some parts were very irrelevant, though. In the end, I guess that the unimportmant parts were to make the story longer.
Seqel to the 1st one
By Lois Lowry
This book is about Littlest One and her attempts to overpower the Sinisteeds and save the young boy from terrible nightmares. She is the smallest one in the Heap and has a "gossamer" touch. I beleive that this book deserves 5 stars.
To the person who wrote the review to People of Sparks: there is a book called The City of Ember which comes before it and The Prophet of Yonwood which comes after it.
Lord Brocktree
Written By Brian Jacques
This book was really good. The sequence of events were just long enough for the reader to take in. My favorite part was when Dotti deafeated Bucko Bigbones in all 3 of these contests. Brian Jacques is such an excellent author and hopefully he'll write a new book.
Stars: *****(5 stars) By S.Y.
Martin the Warrior
Written by Brian Jacques
An excellent book, every part of the story was filled with with wonder. Martin struggles with slavery but in the end kills his enemy, Badrang. I did hate the part when his best friend Rose dies. There was a really unique connection between Nartin and Rose.
Stars: ****(4 stars) Revew by S.Y.
written by brian Jacques
This book is basicaslly the same as Martin the Warrior, except that there's a cat instead of a stoat.
it was really sad when Boar the fighter died by the name of searats. At the beginning of the book, I was wondering if Martin would kill a female the wildcat, but i the end, she drowned. One of the more interesting books in the Redwall series.
Stars: *****(5 stars)
Review by S.Y.
Ice Princess
Casey Carlyle is fabulous at physics, and ever since Casey can remember, she and her mom have had their eyes set on a scholarship to Harvard. But at the same time, she has a secret passion for ice skating. So she decides to do her scholarship presentation for Harvard on ice skating and physics. And, in the process of preparing her presentation, she looks into the beautiful sport more than she planned. And in time, she discovers her true passion. This was a spectacular movie! I rate it: **** (four stars)
The First Collier
Kathryn Lasky
#9 in the Gaurdians of Ga'Hoole series
As Ezylryb is dying, his last words are telling Soren and the soon-to-be-king to read the three legends of Ga'Hoole. In the First Legend, the two owls read the story of how Grank discovered his firesight, how iron was first found, how the first pair of battle claws was created, and a very shocking secret.
The Long Patrol
Written by Brian Jacques
One of the more shorter books, yet also one of my favorites because it focuses on the Long Patrol, the fighting hares, my favorite part of the redwall series. It was sad, though, to see the Badger Lady blind at the end of the book.
Stars: *****(5 stars)
Review by: S.Y.
The Legend of Luke
Written by brian Jacques
I think the main part of this story focuses on Martin the Warrior's past. He and some friends travel to the north shores to solve this life mystery. Brian Jacques could write a seperate book about Martin's mother, Syna. But overall, it's a good book.
Stars: ***(3 stars)
Review by : S.Y.
Written by Brian Jacques
I liked this book, for I just finished it. It's a sequel to Redwall, and is just as good. Jacques juices up the story by adding ravens attacking Redwall Abbey. I wonder though; if the enemy's base is on Loamhedge, the lost abbey, what does it ralk about in the actual Book, Loamhedge?
Stars: ****(4 stars)
Review by: S.Y.
The Tattooed Rats
By Jerry B. Jenkins
In 2012 when it's illegal to be Christian Patch Johnson accidentally reveals a big group of Christians in hiding. He is the only survivor, and gets put in a home with some people that are supposed to turn him against Christianity. There he meets Molly, Erin, and Nancy. Three girls who start to think maybe there really is an all powerful God.
By: Jerry Spinelli
Stargirl is a wonderful book for a variety of ages. Even though it sounds like this is a girl book it isn't because the main character is a boy. Stargirl is about a girl who is very different. She strums her ukelele everyday at lunch and does everything she can to help other people. This book can easily relate to our lives. I would definitely reccomend this book to everyone.
Rating: 4.5 stars
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